24. How hee that was left behinde at Hippata did bring newes concerning
the robbery of Miloes house, came home and declared to his Company,
that all the fault was laid to one Apuleius his charge.
25. How the death of the Asse, and the Gentlewoman was stayed.
26. How all the Theeves were brought asleepe by their new companion.
27. How the Gentlewoman was carried home by her husband while the theeves
were asleepe, and how much Apuleius was made of.
28. How Apuleius was made a common Asse to fetch home wood, and how he
was handled by a boy.
29. How Apuleius was accused of Lechery by the boy.
30. How the boy that lead Apuleius to the field, was slaine in the wood.
31. How Apuleius was cruelly beaten by the Mother of the boy that was