***** Auto Install (Easier and Adviced).
- Download the auto-install.sh
$ wget http://emerde.freaknet.org/files/auto-install.sh
$ chmod 755 ./auto-install.sh
$ ./auto-install.sh --help #Just to know what options you can use
$ ./auto-install.sh
for other architectures use the relative options.
Enjoy (^_+)
Note: in order to install emerde you MUST have slackware >=9.1
or all the packages updated
It's also adviced to install emerde in a minimalistic Slackware installation to
avoid possible conflicts with packages. Therefore, do not install too many
things like KDE, GNOME. Don't complicate your life with dependencies which
you are going to reinstall.
***** Install step by step (What the auto-install.sh does):
- Download Emerde.
$ wget http://emerde.freaknet.org/files/Emerde-1.2.7.tar.bz2
- If you are installing Emerde in a NON-Slackware box download Emerde-var then unpack it.
$ wget http://emerde.freaknet.org/files/Emerde-var.tar.bz2
$ tar xfjv Emerde-var.tar.bz2 -C Emerde-1.2.7/RADICE/
$ rm Emerde-var.tar.bz2
- If you don't have Python major to 2.2.1 download the package:
$ cd Emerde-1.2.7
$ wget http://www.slackware.at/data/slackware-9.1/slackware/d/python-2.3.1-i486-1.tgz
- Just type: ./install.sh and follow the istructions.
$ ./install.sh --help #Just to get the various options you have
$ ./install.sh
for other architectures use the relative options.
Note: in order to install emerde you MUST have slackware >=9.1
or all the packages updated
***** How to update Emerde
You can update emerde by simply giving the --norsync option
(just to not lose time).
***** How to remove Emerde
Just run /usr/bin/uninstall-emerde
***** Install Emerde using a previous installation in another machine
What a long title for a short step!
If you already have installed emerde in another machine you can retrieve
the /usr/portage from this machine.
In both machine rsync and ssh must be installed.
Then you have only to put the ip of the machine which has the portage
in a file named "RSYNC_URL".
Now put RSYNC_URL in the same directory of auto-install.sh or put it
in the Emerde-VERSION directory (where there's the install.sh script).
Now you can run the installation as usual.
Examples of the RSYNC_URL file:
echo > RSYNC_URL
echo my_machine_hostname > RSYNC_URL
if you use a path different from /usr/portage in the other machine,
you can specify in this way:
echo my_other_machine:/my/path/to/portage > RSYNC_URL
That's all
***** Installation scripts
install.sh is the script that does the work you.
It has some option that you may find useful.
install.sh options:
--nogcc to avoid the gcc version check
--nopor to avoid the installation of por2pkg
--noslack to install Emerde in other distos
--norsync to skip rsync, pkg2por ALL and por2pkg ALL
If you use --norsync you can save a lot of time but then
you'll need to run by yourself "emerde sync" and if you want "pkg2por" ALL and "por2pkg ALL"
--jailed install a full working Emerde in RADICE/
--fastjail an alias corresponding to --jailed --norsync
--help to print this help
Architecture options
--sparc to install Emerde on a sparc
--sparc64 to install Emerde on a sparc64
--hppa to install Emerde on a hppa
--arm to install Emerde on a arm
--ppc to install Emerde on a ppc
--mips to install Emerde on a mips
--mips64 to install Emerde on a mips64
--alpha to install Emerde on a alpha
--x86 (Default) to install Emerde on a x86